• Tasmania Pine Forest

    New Zealand Emission Trading Scheme Updates and Changes

    10th September 2019

    In July 2019 the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) announced the third in a series of proposed changes to the Climate Change Response Act 2012, which affect the function of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).  This announcement follows further updates in December 2018, and March 2019, based upon the feedback from consultations the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Ministry for the Environment ran throughout 2018.

  • Remsoft User Group Image

    Upcoming Remsoft User Group Meeting in Australia

    9th September 2019

    Remsoft is bringing their ever-popular User Group meeting to Melbourne in late October 2019. As Remsoft’s business partner in the Asia Pacific region Margules Groome Consulting have been collaborating with Remsoft to bring together an exciting agenda. It will feature both business and technical tracks – with presentations from Remsoft, clients, Margules Groome and insider views into upcoming products, services and technical tips.

  • Build Trust With Your Stakeholders – Use Flintpro To Share Your Sustainability Journey

    8th September 2019

    The importance of building stakeholder trust has never been higher for many organisations managing large land holdings. Against the backdrop of climate change, policy makers and organisations must consider sustainability issues and be transparent about the risks and opportunities faced. Further, organisations need to understand their emissions profile across their land holdings and how their […]

  • Australian Softwood Residual Log Price Index, June 2019

    7th September 2019

    Margules Groome’s Australian Softwood Residual Log Price Index measures domestic softwood plantation residual log prices (excluding exports). The index is a measure of the residual log value to the forest owner once harvest and haulage costs are subtracted from mill door log prices. It is a measure of the forest owners log margins, or the […]