The importance of building stakeholder trust has never been higher for many organisations managing large land holdings. Against the backdrop of climate change, policy makers and organisations must consider sustainability issues and be transparent about the risks and opportunities faced.
Further, organisations need to understand their emissions profile across their land holdings and how their business activities impact climate change, as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. Management strategies need to be measured against environmental outcomes.

It is no simple task to model and describe landscape level changes over time. This requires multiple datasets ranging from; satellite imagery; geographic information system (GIS) maps; forest management information system (FMIS) data; and various other data sources. These data sources need to be aggregated and combined with various models ranging from; tree growth to carbon models; water yield models; and others. FLINTpro is a new innovative tool that can help organisations achieve this with reduced effort. FLINTpro is an enterprise wide solution capable of simplifying the tracking of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon stocks associated with land use, land use change and management.
“FLINTpro takes landscape level modelling to the next level” says Dr Rob Waterworth, the CEO of ‘The Mullion Group’ who developed FLINTpro. “FLINTpro builds on existing data and systems to model and report environmental information, quickly, cheaply, and accurately. With FLINTpro you can have the information you need, when you need it.”.
Margules Groome is collaborating with The Mullion Group to introduce FLINTpro to its clients globally. “We are excited about the capabilities offered by this new tool and believe it will benefit originations and policy developers involved with land management immensely” says Rob de Fégely, a Director of Margules Groome.
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